Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Marketing Ideas, Secrets, Tips and More - All Free

Not sure if you are following my other blog right now, but traffic over there has doubled since I started this series, 101 Marketing Secrets from a Serial Entrepreneur.  The first 10 were the very basics, like setting goals, strategies, and tactics, plus knowing the difference.  Then I followed up with more fundamentals on sales, costs, profits, customer service, people and such.

Now we are more than half done with 11-20.  We have already dealt with issues like niche, brand, territory, client demographic, business personality, logos, color, and slogans.  Still to come in throughout the balance of this week will be one I really like on street view, another on brands carried, a fun one dealing with online personality, and a sleeper you might not think matters, but it does....Telephone manners.

I'd be willing to bet that if you took 2 minutes a day to stay up with this series, you would either get an insight or remember something your forgot every single day.  And if you spent 15 minutes a week reading and thinking about these fundamentals, you'd very likely make a lot more money in 2012. 

If you do go over to and read some of the stuff I'm writing, take an extra second to +1 or like some of what you see.  Even leave a comment. 

AND, if you know someone in business that might benefit from having someone like me as their vice president of marketing (very part time), along with my team of associates for only $845 a month, pass my name and phone along.  After all, I do answer the phone.  Randy Kirk 310-910-1848

PS.  Have you subscribed to this blog?

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