Monday, August 13, 2012

Google+ Pages Now Go Vanity as in

Within days or weeks you will have a chance to grab your favorite vanity URL for a Google+ profile or Google+ page in the Google+ world.  What does it all mean?

If you've been around the SEO world for a while, you have been up against these kind of wild free-for-all's before.  I remember in 1005, we thought the world would run out of good .com urls in about six months.  Kind of like we thought we'd run out of oil.  Do you know I'm still finding outstanding URL's 17 years later?

I happen to have stayed up late one night till the offerings on Facebook started and I grabbed Quixote.  That's a pretty cool one, and I felt real proud since I also have the CA license plate of that perfect version, but it hasn't made me a nickle.  And I've had to settle for Quixote7 on Twitter and Quixote77 on sbc global. 

I know that I'll be making some lists for me and my cliens for vanity name might actually add a benefit to our company or brand.  Geo specific terms like toyshopaustin might be important.

The race will be on shortly, so pick the ones you care about the most and try to stay on top of the announcement.  There is no clarity from the current announcement by Google as to when this will roll out, or if there will be a specific time when the starters gun will go off.

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