Friday, September 7, 2012

Take Your Linkedin Account to Stratospheric Levels of Profitability

How to Set Up Your Linkedin Profile Account for Best Results

And a Properly Set Up Linkedin Profile Will Feed Relevant Traffic to that Blog
Over the course of the next week or so, I am going to give a detailed tutorial on Linkedin as it stands today after major new products have been introduced.  You now have a truly robust business environment where you can tell your story like no place outside of your own website or blog.  With the addition of the company page and product pages within the company page, and the expansion of the profile, you can create a massive commentary on your personal and business capabilities.

if you would really like to fully follow the materials to follow, may I offer you the opportunity to connect with me on Linked in so that everything is open to you to see how I have done my own site. 
To be certain that you get my correct Linkedin site (there are a lot of Randy Kirks) paste this shortened url into your address bar.

Once there, send me an invitation and I will connect with you.  Then, if you like what I've written about this process or have enjoyed other aspects of my blogs or books, I would certainly be appreciative of your writing a recommendation. 

Next, go to the link for my company page and follow that page at 

Finally, check out one of my product pages at the short url 

We will start with the next post on this subject to set up your profile page in a way that will be more likely to be found on Linked in search and Google Web Search.  The changes we will recommend will also result in a greater likelihood that folks who come to your profile page will decide to do business.  If you don't want to miss these coming tutorials, you may want to subscribe right now.

Check Out How to Get 100's of Relevant Connections on Linkedin

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