Friday, February 17, 2012

Google Places Has My Listing All Screwed Up - Can You Help Me?!

My Google Places Listing is Gone.  My Google Places Reviews Are Gone.  Google Has Messed Up  Google Places Listing

I only work with about 100 clients per year, so my total exposure to Google Places is not statistically significant for making pronouncements about the details.  Between my own experience and reading and discussing with other pundits, I know the trends and the latest developments, but the details is another thing. 

Here is a detail that might be due to just the fact that I'm getting more total calls, but I don't think so.  Google seems to have been creating a lot of messes lately.  My incoming calls are now almost all:  "Help! My Google Places Listing ....." Reviews gone, reviews going to duplicate listings, removed listings populating new listings with old information, and many, many more such nonsense. 

To be honest, it isn't always Google's fault 100%, but sometimes it really is.  I hear reports that Google is getting better at solving these through the various help resources, but most DIY business owners aren't even able to get to the point in the analysis where they can ask the right question. 

Currently I'm trying to help folks under my normal fee structure, but I know others consultants have found they need to charge $1500 minimum or $300 an hour to chase these problems down.  I'm hoping to keep my rates more reasonable.  Yes.  I can help.

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