No matter how closely you watch the changing world of how to rank on Google Places, it is a major mistake to take your eye off the main prize, and that is being highly ranked on the Everything search for keywords you care about. And in the months since Google has blended Places results into the Everything page for key words they believe are associated with local businesses, the value of your website SEO has become the new again road to ranking success.
In other words, if you've stopped paying attention to the SEO recommendations coming from Google themselves, the tools they are providing, or the updates of pundits filling in the blanks where Google is still unwilling to share, you could have fallen behind. Get Google webmaster tools and use them. Get Google analytics and review them. Add your sitemap to your Google webmaster tools, and resubmit it after any substantive change.
Make sure you are doing all the basics well. Title Tags, keyworded H1 and H2, excellent keywording in your text, footer keywords, NAP on page 1, Google location map on page 1, excellent backlinks, and so on. And since Panda, relevant, original, and new content on your website. The more the better.
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