Everybody is a Google Places Expert. Nobody is a Google Places Expert. Or so it would seem. I get phone calls, emails, texts, and I'm sure you do to, from folks who are guaranteeing my Google Places listing will be NUMBER 1 for up to X number of keywords. Unlike you, I get phone calls from folks who have been suspended, removed, smacked, or otherwise made to pay the price of the so-called expert handling of their listing.
So, as I did last year, I'm calling on Google to create an online class to train Google Experts. Once completing the class, passing a test, and paying a fee, those experts would receive certification. Those certified would have access to real Google customer service people so that Google's errors (Oh yeah. Google Places has errors) could be dealt with quickly.
In the meantime, what is a poor business owner to do? How do they know what they are getting when the pay good money for some company claiming to be able to do the miraculous? First choice for those reading this blog post...Hire us. If you read the blog, view the videos, and check out the resume, you should come away believing we know what we are talking about, and have the references to back it up.
If you are already planning to hire someone else, check out our blog post for a basic How To Select a Google Places Expert To Optimize Your Google Places Listing approach.
In fact, Randy, there is currently a very similar thing to the one you describe in the article. It's not a "Google Places Expert" badge, or at least it is not called like this. It's "Top Contributor" status in the Google Places Help Forum. The status is given manually by the Googlers responsible for Google Places as a product. You have all the benefits that you mentioned in the article + more. I am one of the lucky ones to be assigned with this "status", and I believe there are just 7 others.
I appreciate you for the suggestion on Google places. Most people don't know about it very well.
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